Realising the dreams


How long does it take for a dream to be realized? 
How did Joseph realize his dream? 
How can you ensure that your own dream is realized?

Let's explore this topic together in today's devotional:

Realising the dreams

Now Joseph was governor over the land; and it was he who sold to all the people of the land, and Joseph’s brothers came and bowed down before him with their faces on to the earth … Then Joseph remembered the dreams which he had dreamed about them. - Genesis 42:6, 9a (NKJV)

Joseph’s dream was realized - but it took at least 13 years before it did. During that time, he was thrown in a pit, sold into slavery, and put in prison before the dream manifested itself.

Do you still want your dreams to be realized? If Joseph had to go through trials for his dream to come to pass, you should expect the same for yours to be realized. You may not face exactly the same challenges, but you will go through them before your dreams are fulfilled.

The time frame for dreams to be realized depends on the type of dream. Of course not all dreams come true, nor do you want all dreams to come true. Some dreams are conceived because of a full stomach, busyness, or a manifestation of our sinful nature. We should forget these dreams and pray them out of our hearts (Ecclesiastes 5:3) as they may reveal areas of our lives that are yet to be sanctified. 

An example would be if a married man or woman has a dream where he or she is being intimate with another person who is not their mate. This type of dream reveals a heart of lust or certain dissatisfaction with your marriage and could serve as a warning to address the issue so that you do not betray your vows.  

Some dreams can also manifest beyond our own lifetime. Abraham’s dream of possessing a new land and having descendants that were as many as the dust of the earth (Genesis 13:14-16) did not materialize during his lifetime, but today we are witnesses that it has materialized.   

There are several types of dreams that originate from God. The time frame for their manifestation varies, based on our obedience to God, our preparation, and God’s own Kairos timing to bring it to pass.

Some of the types of dreams that are listed in the Bible include:

  • Prophetic dreams – Numbers 12:6; Daniel 7-8
  • Warning dreams – Genesis 20:3; Matthew 2:12
  • Vision dreams – Genesis 37:5-9
  • Affirmation dreams – Matthew 1:20
  • Solution/opportunity dreams – Genesis 31:9-12
  • Direction/guidance dreams – Matthew 2:19

Of these, the ones that often take the longest to manifest tend to be the prophetic and vision dreams because they are often about something that God will do through you, for you, or for someone else in the future. They could also symbolize what He will do to, through, or for a people group or nation.  

Regardless of the type, to ensure that the dream is realized, here are some principles to keep in mind:

  1. Be willing to go through trials
  2. Be patient
  3. Be obedient
  4. Remember it is not about you
  5. Resist the dream killers
  6. Stay in the Word of God
  7. Pray without ceasing

Some dreams will take a lifetime to manifest, and others can take more than a lifetime. However long your dreams take, do not be so consumed by them that you take your focus off the dream giver, who is the source of our dreams and should always be the object of our focus. Dreams that draw us away from God are not of Him and should be discounted. Dreams that are from God will draw you towards Him and enrich your life as you obediently prepare yourself to walk them out until they are fulfilled in His perfect time.

My prayer for you today is that God will give you the grace to believe in the full realization of your dream and be patient through trials for its manifestation, while completely trusting Him for its realization in His perfect timing.

Reflection: What are the 7 ways to realise your dreams?

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Posted on Monday, 09 September 2024
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