Kingdom Business Success


Are you operating a Kingdom business?
Is your Kingdom business helping you fulfill God’s plan for your life?
What is Kingdom business success and how do I measure it?
How successful is your business according to Kingdom standards?

Let's explore this topic together in today's devotional:

Kingdom Business Success

This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. - Joshua 1:8 (NKJV)

Success is often defined in business as consistently achieving a certain rate of return, or meeting certain revenue goals. These measurements are certainly important. But when measuring Kingdom business success, we must go beyond the rate of return or the revenue. Kingdom business success must take into account all of the elements that differentiate a Kingdom business from a secular business.

In the Kingdom of God, one measurement of success is that greater responsibilities will be delegated to the Kingdom steward. What does this mean? Jesus said in Matthew 25:21 that those who show themselves faithful over a few things will be made ruler over many things. In other words, if we are able to practice wise and godly stewardship on a small scale, God will bring increase, with the commensurate increase in responsibility.

A Kingdom business is a profit-making enterprise under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, operated by a born-again believer. It honours the Lord Jesus Christ through its products and services, it is managed based on biblical principles, serves as a light in the marketplace, and its profit is used for the fulfillment of the Great Commission – in other words, for the advancement of the Kingdom of God in the earth.  Simply put, a Kingdom business is God’s business, managed God’s way, by God’s steward, for God’s purposes in the world.

What is Kingdom business success, and how do I measure it? Kingdom business success involves the faithful stewardship of the resources the Lord has placed under our care in the service of our employees, customers, and the body of Christ.

Faithful and wise stewardship of a Kingdom business will generate an increase and enable us to have greater influence – including spiritual – within our communities and industries.

There are seven keys to determining if a Kingdom business is successful according to God’s standards.

  1. It will enable the fulfillment of God’s plan for the business steward (Colossians 3:23)

Is the business helping you fulfill God’s plan for your life?  For someone who is called to be a Biblical Entrepreneur, the business is the mission. A Kingdom business will generate resources to support the advancement of God’s Kingdom, and it is also the vehicle through which you carry out your mission mandate. Every born-again believer has a specific Divine call. If God has called you to start a business, seek Him to determine how the business you are called to build can be a tool to fulfill that call.  This gives purpose and significance to the business, and will give you fulfillment in your work. 

  1. The products and services will honour the Lord Jesus Christ (Acts 19:24)

    As Kingdom business stewards, we are not to sell certain products and services just because they are profitable; we must also ensure that the products and services that we sell glorify Jesus.  Would Jesus sell these products and services? Do they meet legitimate needs? Will they harm others? Are they promoting godly or ungodly values? You cannot have a successful Kingdom business that is promoting ungodly products and services. 

  1. The management of the business aligns with the biblical model (Mark 10:42-45)

    Kingdom businesses must model the same management style that Jesus modelled - the servant leadership model. The way you treat your employees, handle your finances, deal with the government, and market your products and services must bring Glory to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

  1. The business provides for the natural needs of the Biblical Entrepreneur and for their family (1 Timothy 5:8)

    The Bible is clear that our work should provide for our natural needs. 1 Timothy 5:8 tells us that if a man does not take care of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. 

    No matter how zealous you are to pursue the call of God, you must remain balanced and ensure at all times that your business provides for your needs and for those of your family.

  1. It will generate Biblical profit – an “eternal bottom line” (Proverb 16:8)

    Kingdom businesses must be profitable. In the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30), the master is displeased with unprofitable servants. Sustained profits are the only way to build wealth, and wealth is the key to fulfilling the Great Commission.

    But - as important as profits are, we must not profit at all costs.“Better is a little with righteousness than vast revenues without justice” (Proverbs 16:8). We must be balanced in our approach to profit; we must be committed to an eternal bottom line. 

    The profit that is gained justly and honourably without comprising biblical principles glorifies God.

  1. It will promote marketplace evangelism and discipleship (Matthew 28:18-20)

    Regardless of their profession, all born-again believers have the mandate to fulfill the great commission – that all be saved (Matthew 28:19-20); that all experience the abundant life (John 10:10); that the works of the enemy be destroyed (1 John 3:8); and that the hungry and thirsty are fed and nourished; the strangers are housed and the naked are clothed; and the sick and those in prison
    are visited (Matthew 25:31-40; James 2:14-17; Micah 6:8).

    As Kingdom businesses, we must be committed to using our businesses as a platform for marketplace evangelism and discipleship to those within our sphere of influence. This includes our customers, our employees, our vendors, our business associates, our competitors, and the community we do business with.

  1. It will be a giving business (1 Timothy 6:17-19)

    Kingdom businesses must be committed to giving to the work of the Kingdom of God, and to those in need. Notice that giving is not the only measurement of a successful Kingdom business - but it is one of several measurements of success.

    If giving was the only thing that defined a Kingdom business, then Bill Gates and Oprah’s businesses would be considered as Kingdom businesses. Genuine Kingdom businesses will reflect each of the seven characteristics listed here.  We give through tithing from our business profits, and we give generously as the Lord leads to just causes, including missions and organizations that are advancing the Kingdom of God beyond our own sphere of influence.

There is no greater time than now to set ourselves apart from the world. Unstable economic times create a greater demand for businesses that reflect God’s will, by being His salt and light in the marketplace. This gives a Kingdom business a unique competitive advantage and an opportunity to become a beacon of hope in a world that is searching for answers.

My prayer for you today is that God will give you the grace to Honour Him through your business.

Reflection: Are you fulfilling the 7 Kingdom Business principles?

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Posted on Monday, 16 September 2024
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