Far Above Rubies


Who are the women of virtue that God has placed in and around your life?
Do you realize their value?
Who are the women in your life whom God expects you to nurture so that they can realize their full potential and become a great blessing to others?

Let's explore this topic together in today's devotional:

Far Above Rubies

"Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all." Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;
    but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.
- Proverbs 31:29-30 (NKJV)

Mother’s Day is a day that is set aside every year throughout the United States and some other parts of the world to honour mothers and celebrate motherhood. I’m personally very grateful to my grandmother, mother, wife, and the many women who have positively impacted my life.  

There are many successful entrepreneurs who can say that their grandmother, mother, sister, aunt, or wife was critical to their success. Women are the backbone of our society; they can cause us to fail or succeed.  

We cannot choose our grandmothers or our mothers, but we can choose our wives. You can only be as successful as the person you marry. Like the virtuous woman mentioned in Proverbs 31:10-31, her price is “far above rubies.”

A ruby is a precious stone, usually more costly than a diamond of the same size. The Bible states that the worth of this woman is far above this great, precious stone. 

What would make a woman worth so much?  

Here are a few of her characteristics:

  1. She is trustworthy – Her husband does not have to worry about anything. He entrusts her with his finances, deep inner fears and concerns, children, and even business affairs.
  2. She is industrious – This woman is a Biblical Entrepreneur; she not only supports her husband but takes every opportunity to use the talents that God has gifted her with. She is never idle and is profitable in all of her endeavours.
  3. She is a homemaker – Beyond being a businesswoman, she is also concerned with her home. She realizes that her first responsibility is the stability of her home.
  4. She is a wise steward – She is a great manager of resources. She is not a consumer first, but a producer. She resists the temptation to spend money on things that have no eternal value. She generously gives to those in need.
  5. She is gentle and wise in her speech – She has a meek and quiet demeanour, but when she speaks, wisdom comes out of her mouth. She has hidden the Word of God in her heart, and out of the abundance of her heart, she speaks.
  6. She is a nurturing and caring mother – She takes her responsibility as a mother very seriously. She does not allow anything to get in the way of providing nurturing care to her children to ensure their spiritual and natural success.
  7. She fears the Lord – She recognizes that her external beauty must be the result of an internal reverence for the Lord.

I know that some of you may be wondering, “Does such a woman really exist?” 

Yes, she does - I married one!

I believe every woman is born with the potential to become a virtuous woman. How fully developed she becomes depends on her upbringing and the influences she has in her life. It is the responsibility of her husband to provide the leadership and nurturing that will allow her to fully blossom into the virtuous woman God has called her to be.

My prayer for you is that God will place virtuous women in and around your life and that He will also give you a nurturing heart that will bring those He has placed around you to their full potential.

Reflection: Meditate on the prayer above?

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Copyright © Patrice Tsague NPIM
Posted on Monday, 02 September 2024
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